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18th TRB Transportation Planning Applications Conference - Fellowship Opportunities!


As you are hopefully aware by now, the 18th TRB Transportation Planning Applications Conference is coming up in June. It will be a completely virtual experience, held June 21-24, 2021. TRB and the Conference Planning Committee are pleased to once again offer fellowships to conference attendees. Given the uniqueness of both the past year and the virtual conference experience, the 2021 TRB Appcon Fellowship Program is being expanded to include both public and private sector participants. The goal is to try to reach those who would not otherwise be able to participate. As in past years, priority will be given to conference speakers, but the planning committee is actively seeking applicants who might also be first-time attendees, young professionals and/or students in transportation planning related fields in an effort to use the low cost of this virtual experience to reach outside the norm.

Interested candidates should submit the attached form no later than May 28th. Please email the completed form to to be considered.

If selected, you will receive a special code to be used for free registration.

Please forward this notice to your colleagues and friends – the deadline is coming up quickly!

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