**Message from AME70**
The TRB Standing Committee on Transportation and Public Health (AME70) is recruiting ambassadors to share a ready-made PowerPoint (attached) of key findings from the NCHRP Guidebook for Communications between Transportation and Public Health Communities.
The Guide provides invaluable information regarding cross-sector collaboration for the advancement of transportation and health efforts. We invite our network of transportation and public health professionals to promote the Guide and spur creative thinking and new partnerships. You do not have to be an expert on the Guide to share it, we would appreciate you letting people know it’s out there!
Next month’s TRB Annual Meeting provides an excellent opportunity to share the Guide at lectern sessions, committee meetings, and in committee handouts. The attached PowerPoint slides and suggested talking points is your ready-made script for sharing this message. Please adapt it for your audience and time available. Feel free to include all or part of the slides in a committee handout for distribution or for download. Our goal is that by using a clear and concise set of slides, information in this important Guide (published in 2019) can be disseminated to any audience of transportation and/or health professionals with relatively little effort from the presenter. We appreciate your help!
Please email Faith Hall at faithcole@gmail.com with questions and if you share the Guide (for tracking purposes). We encourage you to share this email and the PPT with your networks. Together, we can advance the important effort of improving coordination between the fields of transportation and public health.