We are contacting you to request your participation in distributing a survey about the equitable deployment of transportation technologies. The survey includes questions related to equity planning, technology planning, and the equity opportunities and challenges of transportation technologies. This survey is being conducted as part of a doctoral dissertation at Texas A&M University in Urban and Regional Science. The intended participants are planners at MPOs across the U.S. If you could share the survey with your member list, it would be a great help to our research team!
The responses will provide an overview of how planners are considering the possible benefits and costs of emerging technologies, especially to equity communities such as low-income, minority, and Limited English Proficiency populations as well as people with disabilities. All survey results will be made available to participants and the outcome of this research aims to provide practical advice for incorporating equity into transportation technology projects and investments. Previous research has been conducted on equity and emerging technologies are Metropolitan Planning Agencies and this survey will provide new insights into how planners view emerging technologies and how equity should be considered. If you have any questions about the study or the results, please contact Jacqueline Kuzio at jackikuzio@tamu.edu.
The survey can be found at the following link: https://tamu.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_a5xGW3EQBdGn9P0