The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) released a Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) with the intent to award 1 cooperative agreement to operate a national Pedestrian and Bicycle Information Center (PBIC); conduct pedestrian and bicycle research; and provide technical assistance on topics related to pedestrian and bicycle activities. The Federal share is $2,670,000 with a required non-Federal cost share of $667,500, and a period of performance of 5 years. The NOFO closes on March 31, 2022.
Since 1999, FHWA has sponsored the establishment and operation of a PBIC through 5-year cooperative agreements. The PBIC will support the U.S. Department of Transportation’s efforts to promote an integrated, convenient, and safe transportation system for all users, with an emphasis on pedestrians and bicyclists, including those using micromobility devices. The national information center will disseminate techniques and strategies for improving pedestrian and bicyclist safety; develop information and educational programs and products related to pedestrian and bicycle facilities; provide tracking and technical support to safety professionals at the State, Metropolitan Planning Organization, and local levels; and conduct research and technology activities for pedestrian and bicycle programs and activities to help reconnect communities divided by highway, transit, rail, or other transportation infrastructure, including network continuity for network gaps (such as bridges, overpasses, tunnels, highways caps, or other connectors). For additional background information, see
If you have questions, please contact: Freida Byrd, Agreement Specialist, 202-366-6547,